Bulls A.I. centre

Our A.I. center at Hradistko is situated 30 km south from capitol city Prague. Station is in the hearth of forest and grassland area, protected by two connecting rivers. In the circle of 10 km no any one cattle is breed. This naturel bio security with strong national veterinary control system makes our breeders quire about all epizootological risks. Approval number, which we have received – EU CZ21790087, entitles us for selling bovine semen not only in the Czech Republic, but in the whole European Union including associated states to EU. A.I. stud code NAAB 225, which Natural received from National Assocition of Animal Breeders (USA) means free export to the USA.

Capacity of A.I. centre - 110 bulls is full. In the jumping we have bulls of breeds Holstein, Dairy Simmental, Brown-Swiss, Ayrshire, Jersey and 12 beef breeds (Charolais, Limousine, Blond d’Aquitaine, Belgian blue, Beef Simmental, Hereford, Piemontese, Aberdeen Angus, Galloway, Gasconne, Highland and Salers).

State dedicated vet every day controls not only veterinary protection of the station and health of the bulls, but quality of produced doses as well. Laboratory equipment is on the high level, bovine frozen semen is processed under strict every day veterinary control. Following that we are marketing doses in high quality. Control system in laboratory ensures safety semen identifi cation. All operations fi ll high European and veterinarian conditions. Activity of sperms is tested three times before expedition and some other tests are made. We develop special own research of cows/ bulls reproduction in big herds.

All produced doses are stored under liquid nitrogen. The motility of spermatozoa in bovine frozen semen and other quality test are before leaving the station are made on each jump.

(A.I.centre in Hradistko)
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